8 Unhealthiest Fast-Food Subs To Stay Away From Right Now

A dietitian recommends avoiding these unhealthy fast-food subs loaded with calories, carbs, fat, and sodium the next time you're ordering lunch.

The 7 Best Cheesesteaks in Philadelphia, According to Chefs

Made with the perfect delicacy and a whole lot of cheese.

12 Best & Worst Mayonnaise Brands, According to Dietitians

We are spreading the truth about mayo with these best (and worst) mayonnaise brands on the market.

13 Best & Worst Fast-Food Breakfast Sandwiches, According to a Dietitian

Which fast-food breakfast sandwiches are the best and worst on the menu? An RD tells all.

9 Fast-Food Chains That Serve the Best Turkey Sandwiches

These chains prove that a simple turkey sandwich can actually be an exciting lunch.

8 Mayo Brands That Use the Highest Quality Ingredients

Less is more when it comes to ingredients in the mayonnaise jar. Here's what to look for on the label.

Is Deli Meat Bad for You? 6 Effects of Eating It

Before your next sandwich, learn what the science says about the benefits and risks of eating deli meat.

I Tried 5 Deli Sandwiches at Wegmans & This Is the Most Delicious One

The popular East Coast supermarket is famous for its subs, but one special sandwich reigns supreme.

I Tried the Biscuit Breakfast Sandwiches at McDonald's, Wendy's, & Burger King and One Was Simply Perfect

While each chain had standout sandwiches, there's only one I'd eat again and again.

12 Best Lobster Rolls in New England, According to Chefs

When summer finally lands nothing is better than a fresh lobster roll. Here are the places chefs go to eat the best.