Mind + Body — Eat This Not That https://www.eatthis.com/mind-body/ Your ultimate source for expert nutrition tips and health advice, covering wellness, healthy recipes, cooking hacks, food news, style trends and shopping. Fri, 23 Jun 2023 13:35:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://www.eatthis.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2021/07/cropped-etnt-favicon.png?w=32 Mind + Body — Eat This Not That https://www.eatthis.com/mind-body/ 32 32 Mon, 26 Jun 2023 22:16:35 -0400 The 8 Best Belly Fat-Burning Workouts You'll Find on YouTube https://www.eatthis.com/best-belly-fat-workouts-on-youtube/ Mon, 26 Jun 2023 10:00:59 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=738885 If you're trying to burn belly fat, listen up. Whether you're tired of following the...

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If you're trying to burn belly fat, listen up. Whether you're tired of following the same old workout program and want to spice things up, or you don't have access to group fitness classes, we have some great news to share. We know the belly fat loss process can be grueling and time-consuming, so we did some digging on the internet and are sharing eight of the best belly fat workouts on YouTube you can start doing today.

Get excited, because YouTube is a wealth of fitness inspiration featuring an impressive variety of belly fat workouts you can easily work into your daily routine. Some great highlights? The below videos are free and provide virtually the whole workout class experience. Plus, you don't have to leave your home in order to get in a solid sweat session. As a fitness professional, I find that YouTube fat-burning workouts are an amazing alternative for my clients who hate lifting weights and cannot make it to a group exercise class.

Now that we've convinced you to kick your YouTube workout mode into high gear, we have eight of the best belly fat workouts you can find on YouTube (that are trainer-approved). Keep reading to learn all about them, and when you're finished, be sure to check out the 5 Best Belly Fat Exercises You Can Do in Just 10 Minutes a Day. Without further ago, let's dive in!

1. Roberta's Gym 30-Minute Exercise Routine to Lose Belly Fat

Roberta's "Gym 30-Minute Exercise Routine to Lose Belly Fat" is a great fat-blasting workout video that consists of a combination of core, plyometric, lower, and upper-body exercises. The convenient cartoon guides you through every single exercise, so you do not have any doubt as to the proper form.

The workout is timed for you, allowing you to simply follow along, resting as assigned in the video, and keeping you from doing any guesswork or manual timing of your workout routine. Beware, though—this is a challenging workout. You can build up to the full duration if you cannot initially complete the entire program.

RELATED: The Only 7 Belly Fat Exercises Worth Doing at the Gym

2. Fit With Sally's 10-Min Love Handles And Lower Belly Fat Workout

This no-break 10-minute belly fat blaster workout consists of standing exercises for the core, upper, and lower body with no equipment. There are no breaks throughout the entire video, so you get through it much quicker than traditional workouts.

The trainer Sally demonstrates and completes the entire workout with you, so you can easily follow along. An on-screen timer keeps you in the loop about where you are throughout the entire duration of the workout. I like this one for individuals who prefer being on their feet and are crunched for time. (Pun intended!)

3. Growwithjo's 20-Min Intense Standing Lower Belly Fat Workout

This 20-minute workout focuses mostly on cardio-based dance-like standing movements instead of traditional ab exercises or squats, lunges, etc. Jo demonstrates each movement and completes the workout with you, making it seamless to follow along and enjoy the music. Additionally, there's a preview for the next move so you can easily flow right into it. The on-screen countdown makes everything super convenient.

4. Cult Fit's Lose Belly Fat In 7 Days Challenge

This program is shorter for each workout but is designed to be performed every day for seven days. It consists of eight different exercises such as mountain climbers, planks, jumping jacks, and Russian twists. This is a great option if you want to exercise daily but are on a tight schedule. The bar at the bottom of the screen shows you exactly how far you are into each workout, which can be helpful when you are out of breath and wondering about the light at the end of the tunnel.

5. Zumba Class's 23-Minute Exercise Routine To Lose Belly Fat

If you like the fast pace of Zumba and seek a productive alternative to traditional exercise, then the Zumba Class 23-minute exercise routine to lose belly fat is an excellent option. It consists of a nonstop class of various Zumba-based dance movements.

One thing I like in particular is the electronic dance music in the background. The class starts out with an EDM version of Britney Spears's "Toxic" (Who doesn't love jamming out to Britney when working out?) kicking the workout into high gear from the get-go. The screen has less going on with no timers or other widgets on display, which can be helpful if you just want to get in the zone and dance it up.

RELATED: 7 Exercises That Hit & Tone Your Belly at Every Single Angle

6. Emi Wong's 30-Min Walking Cardio Workout | Intense Full Body Fat Burn at Home

This 30-minute walking workout with Emi Wong is a way you can perform walking-based training without needing to step foot outdoors. Each exercise is performed for 40 seconds with 15 seconds of rest between each exercise. The exercise starts with basic walking in place before heading into more advanced walking exercises. This is another great option as an alternative to traditional core exercises.

7. Cult Fit's Belly Fat Workout For Men

This next belly fat workout is geared toward men. As with all Cult Fit workouts, a progress bar gives you a convenient tracker throughout the workout. The movements tend to be a bit more intense than the previous exercises such as burpees, full pushups, and other higher-intensity exercises, so gear up to feel the burn and work up a sweat.

8. DanceWithDeepti's 30 Mins Daily Belly Fat Burn Workout

This is another dance-based workout that will get you moving and melting belly fat in no time. This video brings together a fun mix of dance/workout combo exercises that put a great spin on traditional exercises like squats and lunges. You get the best of both worlds since many of the dance-based exercises in other programs miss out on the full range of motion squats, while traditional workouts can sometimes get mundane and lack variety.

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7 Most Effective Strength Exercises To Prevent Belly Fat https://www.eatthis.com/strength-exercises-to-prevent-belly-fat/ Sat, 24 Jun 2023 10:00:02 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=738720 If there's one common enemy that most of us have battled in life, it's stubborn...

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If there's one common enemy that most of us have battled in life, it's stubborn belly fat. You know, that frustrating extra padding around your midsection that seems determined to stick around no matter what. Fortunately, we've consulted a personal trainer and strength training expert to compile a powerful arsenal of strength exercises to help you banish belly fat and reveal a toned and sculpted core. If you're looking to give your workout regimen a major upgrade, keep reading for seven of the most effective strength exercises to prevent belly fat.

But first, we need to get one thing straight: Spot reduction, the idea that you can target fat loss in specific areas of your body, is a myth. However, what we can do is focus on building lean muscle and boosting your metabolism to burn fat overall—and that's where these strength exercises come in.

Rose McNulty, CPT, NASM-certified personal trainer and nutrition coach with Garage Gym Reviews, tells ETNT, "At the end of the day, preventing belly fat has more to do with your overall activity level than the calories you consume. When it comes to strength training, look to incorporate movements that target multiple muscle groups and those that target the abdominal area. Compound movements, such as squats and deadlifts, are great for getting a total-body burn going because they engage large muscle groups."

Regardless of your fitness level, keep reading if you want to say goodbye to the spare tire and hello to a fitter, healthier you. Then, find out which 6 Belly Fat Exercises You Should Start Doing in Your 30s.


Dumbbell Squat-to-Press

illustration of squat to press

The dumbbell squat-to-press is a dynamic full-body exercise. This compound movement combines the strength-building benefits of squats and overhead presses.

To perform the exercise, McNulty says, "Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing slightly outward. Hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder height, palms facing forward. Bend your knees, and shift your hips to lower your body into a squat position. As you lower down until your thighs are about parallel or slightly lower than parallel to the floor, keep your chest facing forward and shoulders back. Once you reach the bottom of your squat, push through your heels to stand straight up, then press the dumbbells straight up overhead until your arms are just about entirely straight. Slowly lower the weights, then repeat." Go for three sets of 12 to 15 reps.

RELATED: 7 Exercises That Hit & Tone Your Belly at Every Single Angle


Barbell Deadlifts

illustration of barbell deadlifts

This compound exercise targets your posterior chain (backside), including the glutes, hamstrings, and quads, while engaging your core for increased stability.

"Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place a barbell on the floor before you, centered over your feet," instructs McNulty. "Bend your knees, and reach straight down to grip the barbell with your palms facing you and your hands slightly wider than your feet. Keep your shoulders back and spine neutral as you stand up while lifting the weight straight upward. Fully extend your hips and knees as you stand, and once you've stood up all the way, pause briefly before slowly lowering the weight back down." Do three sets of eight to 12 reps.



woman doing outdoor lunges, concept of compound exercises to change your body shape

Lunges are a classic yet highly effective exercise for targeting your lower body and engaging those core muscles. According to the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), lunges activate your quads, glutes, and hamstrings, helping you build lean muscle mass while promoting better balance and stability.

"Stand with your feet about hip-width apart, then take a big step forward with your right foot, adjusting as needed to feel stable in your stance," says McNulty. "Bend both your knees simultaneously to lower down into the lunge until your knees form right angles and your left knee hovers just above the floor. Pause, then push off your right heel to return to the starting position. Then, switch legs. Continue alternating with each rep." Perform three sets of 12 to 15 reps per leg.

RELATED: 6 Simple Exercises to Shrink Your Waistline After 40



woman doing planks exercise

This static hold is a serious belly fat burner since it engages your entire core. Plus, planks can be modified to suit your fitness level regardless of where you're at on your fitness journey.

"Set up in a tabletop position on all fours. Step your feet back so your body forms a straight line, with your hips and knees fully extended. Lower onto your forearms, keeping your hips low and your elbows directly beneath your shoulders. Engage your core to hold this position as long as your workout dictates. Lower your knees to the floor while maintaining a strong core if your form falters in a full plank," explains McNulty. Aim for three sets of 30 to 60-second static holds.


Bicycle Crunches

women doing bicycle crunches

This dynamic exercise will help you chisel those desirable side abs. The alternating knee-to-elbow movements while performing crunches will increase the challenge and intensity, effectively working the entire abdominal region.

"Lay on an exercise mat, bend your knees, and lift your feet off the ground to assume an upside-down tabletop position," says McNulty. "Place your hands behind your head lightly, but avoid pulling your neck. Engage your abs to lift your upper body off the floor slightly. Rotate your core as you bring your right arm down toward your left knee, simultaneously bringing your left knee up toward your right arm. You should feel the movement in your obliques or the sides of your abs. Return to the starting position, then switch sides. Continue alternating with each rep." Do three sets of 15 to 20 reps per side.

RELATED: Simple Yet Effective Exercises for Instant Abs That Trainers Love


Lunges with Rotation

woman doing bodyweight lunges on yoga mat

The lunge with rotation (or "lunge twist") is a fantastic exercise that targets several muscles in your lower body and engages your core, according to MasterClass. It also adds a rotational component for enhanced functional strength.

"Stand with your feet about hip-width apart and your hands on your hips, then take a big step forward with your right foot, adjusting as needed to feel stable in your stance," instructs McNulty. "Bend both knees simultaneously to lower down into the lunge until your knees form right angles. Pause, and stay in the lunge position as you rotate your torso to the right until your elbows are as close to your right thigh as possible for your range of motion. Rotate back to the center, then push off your right foot to return to standing. Repeat the movement on the opposite side, stepping forward with your left foot and rotating to the left." Aim for three sets of 10 to 12 reps per side.



V-ups exercise

V-ups take core burn to the next level. To do this movement, McNulty says, "Lie on your back on an exercise mat, legs extended forward, and arms extended overhead. Engage your core to lift your legs and upper body off the floor until your body forms a 'V' shape from your hips. Pause at the top, then slowly lower your arms and legs until they're just above the floor before repeating the movement." Do three sets of 12 to 15 reps.

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The 5 Best Daily Bodyweight Exercises for Men To Build a Fit Upper Body https://www.eatthis.com/bodyweight-exercises-for-men-to-build-fit-upper-body/ Fri, 23 Jun 2023 11:00:22 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=739062 If you're looking to sculpt a fit and strong upper body, don't underestimate the power...

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If you're looking to sculpt a fit and strong upper body, don't underestimate the power of working with just your body weight. Sure, lifting weights has plenty of benefits, but performing bodyweight exercises is an extremely productive form of functional training. Weighted exercises usually activate an isolated muscle or muscle group. But when bodyweight training, you're typically firing up more than one muscle simultaneously. Now, let's get down to business. Achieving a toned upper body that turns heads at the beach can be in your near future, so long as you take the expert advice of Ronny Garcia, CPT, Blink Fitness. Garcia is here to share the best daily bodyweight exercises for men to build a fit upper body.

Activating more than one muscle at the same time is crucial if you want to build up your physique. Garcia tells us, "In the case of the upper body, when you are doing pushups, for example, you are working all the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles." He adds, "Another benefit is balance and flexibility. You are using your entire body to stabilize while you perform a bodyweight exercise so you are building strength for everyday activities such as walking or cleaning the house!"

In addition, bodyweight training can help boost your cardio and muscle strength. Plus, bodyweight exercises are incredibly convenient and seamless to work into your daily routine, no matter where you may be. (And they don't require you to dish out extra cash on a pricey gym membership or equipment!)

Now, if you're ready to learn about Garcia's best daily bodyweight exercises for men to build a fit upper body, read on to learn more. And when you're finished, don't miss The #1 Bodyweight Workout Men Should Do Every Day To Stay Fit.



muscular man doing pushups, concept of daily bodyweight exercises for men

Get ready to activate your shoulders, triceps, chest, and core muscles with pushups. Begin in a high plank as you press up to the balls of your feet. Your hands should be below your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet. Bend at the elbows in order to lower your chest toward the ground. Keep a tight core, and make sure your lower back doesn't cave in as you descend. Then, press yourself back up to a high plank. Garcia recommends performing three sets of 10 to 15 reps.



man doing superman exercise

Next up, we have the Superman exercise which boosts the strength of your shoulders, back, and anterior core muscles. To begin, lie down flat on your stomach with both arms extended overhead and your legs also extended. Look at the ground ahead as you gradually lift both arms and legs. Hold this position for a few seconds, then release. Garcia recommends completing three sets of eight to 12 reps.

RELATED: 5 Strength Exercises Men Should Do Every Day To Stay Fit


Tricep Dips

fit man doing tricep dips

Tricep dips are beneficial for your shoulders, triceps, and chest. You can perform them with parallel bars or at the edge of a strong and stable surface, like a workout bench.

To set up, stand in the middle of the parallel bars, and place a hand on each one using a neutral grip. Jump up, and extend your arms. Cross your feet, and lean forward just a bit. Bend at the elbows, keeping them close to your body as you descend or "dip." Then, press yourself back up to the top so your arms are fully extended once again. Garcia recommends performing three sets of 10 to 15 reps.



man doing forearm plank on yoga mat by water, concept of bodyweight exercises to keep weight down

Next up on Garcia's list of bodyweight exercises for men to build a fit upper body is the plank. Love it or hate it, the plank is ultra-effective at strengthening your core and engaging your abdominal muscles, shoulders, and lower back.

To get started, plant your hands shoulder-width apart, and rise up to the balls of your feet so your body forms a straight line from your head to your feet. Lower down to your forearms so your elbows are below your shoulders. Keep your core tight, squeeze your glutes, and make sure your back doesn't cave in as you hold the position. Complete three sets of plank holds.

RELATED: 5 Best No-Equipment Exercises for Men in Their 50s


Bodyweight Rows

illustration of inverted rows exercise

The bodyweight row (or inverted row) engages your biceps, upper back, and shoulders. To begin the exercise, make sure the bar is set to the height of your waist. Then, lie flat on your back under the bar. Using an overhand grip, grab onto the bar, placing your hands just outside shoulder-width distance apart. Make sure your body forms a straight line, and engage your abs. Pull your chest up toward the bar until your chest graces it. Then, slowly lower yourself back to the start position. Complete three sets of eight to 12 reps.

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5 Best Exercises To Keep You Feeling Young, Firm, & Fit After 40 https://www.eatthis.com/exercises-to-feel-firm-and-fit-after-40/ Fri, 23 Jun 2023 10:00:16 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=738966 Living out your best, healthiest, and fittest life is totally possible after your 40th birthday....

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Living out your best, healthiest, and fittest life is totally possible after your 40th birthday. This next chapter in your storybook is exactly what you make of it, which is why you should be equipped with the absolute best exercises to feel firm and fit past 40. After all, regular exercise is key to staying young—specifically, resistance training, which is basically your very own fountain of youth. We understand that heading to the gym can be daunting, so we consulted with Tim Liu, CSCS, an online fitness and nutrition coach and member of our Medical Expert Board, who breaks down his top-recommended moves so you know exactly what to do.

"[The below are] all strength training exercises, [which] keep your body feeling young because [they] help build and maintain your lean muscle," Liu explains. Strength training keeps your metabolism up, offers anti-aging effects, and can even help extend your life. But if you're not yet sold on the wonders of strength work, let science do the convincing. According to a 2017 observational study published in JAMA Network Open, participants who performed strength exercises a minimum of two times a week were less likely to suffer from mortality during the study timeframe than individuals who performed less strength work. Plus, strength training promotes strong bones and helps you maintain a healthy weight.

So there you have it! If you're ready to get started, keep reading to learn about Liu's five best exercises to feel firm and fit after 40. And when you're finished, be sure to check out the 5 Daily Exercise Habits for Women To Get Firm & Lean After 50.

1. Dumbbell Split Squats

demonstration of dumbbell split squats

To get started with dumbbell split squats, assume a staggered stance by stepping one foot ahead of you and placing the other food behind you. Make sure your chest remains tall as you bend both knees and descend into a split squat. Lower until your back knee touches the floor. Then, use your front heel to press yourself back up to standing. Squeeze those glutes at the top. Repeat on the opposite side. Complete three sets of 10 to 12 reps.

2. Barbell Romanian Deadlifts

Next up for barbell Romanian deadlifts, you'll begin with a barbell in front of you. Bend down to take hold of it using an overhand grip and your hands positioned about shoulder-width apart. Pick the barbell up. Then, while maintaining soft knees, press your hips back, and lower the barbell down your legs. You should feel a good stretch in your hamstrings. Press your hips forward in order to bring the barbell back up to the start position. Complete three sets of eight to 10 reps.

RELATED: The #1 Bodyweight Workout Men Should Do Every Day To Stay Fit

3. Cable Rows

For cable rows, firmly place both feet on the footpad. Pull the handle out, extend your legs, and keep your chest tall. Then, bring your elbows back toward your hips, squeezing your lats and back as you do so. Extend your arms, and feel a solid shoulder stretch. That counts as one full rep. Complete three sets of 10 reps.

4. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

incline dumbbell bench press exercise to lose arm fat

Start the incline dumbbell bench press by lying down flat on an incline bench. Have a dumbbell in each hand. Next, press the weights over your body as you straighten out your arms. Then, use control to lower the weights toward your chest. Once again, press the dumbbells back up toward the ceiling. Give your triceps and pecs a squeeze when you reach the top of the motion. Complete three sets of 10 reps.

RELATED: 5 Strength Exercises for Women To Get Firm & Lean in Their 40s

5. Single-Arm Overhead Triceps Extensions

Last but not least, Liu's exercises to feel firm and fit after 40 wrap up with the single-arm overhead triceps extension. Grab a dumbbell with one hand, and press it overhead. Bend your elbow as you lower the dumbbell to the back of your head. Then, press your arm and the weight back up to the start position. Flex your triceps at the end. Repeat on the opposite side. Complete three sets of 12 to 15 reps.

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The #1 Workout a Trainer Does To Get Totally Jacked https://www.eatthis.com/best-workout-to-get-jacked/ Thu, 22 Jun 2023 15:00:26 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=738919 Getting totally jacked requires more than simply pumping iron at the gym. If you want...

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Getting totally jacked requires more than simply pumping iron at the gym. If you want to sculpt a muscular, well-rounded physique, you need to make nutrition and resistance training a top priority. You may also need to reevaluate your lifestyle habits. Blink Fitness trainer Ronny Garcia, CPT, points out that a routine with compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups at the same time can be incredibly beneficial in helping with muscle growth—though that's not to say you should totally forget about isolation (or "target-specific") exercises if you want to target a specific muscle area.

"Maintaining a well-balanced diet, nutrition, and rest will greatly improve the overall body physique," Garcia explains. "Consuming the proper amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats is important. Protein is especially important for muscle growth and repair. Sleep is never talked about enough, but your body needs the proper recovery to induce and [perform]."

Blink Fitness trainer Thomas Spigner, CPT, agrees that progress doesn't stop at the gym. "Becoming 'jacked' comes from the proper nutrition, hydration, and sleep acquired before and after activation, which is quite routine for me. Also, post-workout, immediately after the session, I ingest a protein shake which settles for about 30 to 60 minutes before my post-workout meal. This meal is appropriately plated with a protein, starch/carb, and a vegetable with plenty of hydration. Prior to bed, I have a BCAA powder-based drink for muscle recovery."

So without delay, let's break down the ultimate workouts to get jacked, according to a certified personal trainer. And when you're finished, be sure to check out the 7 Best Exercises for Men to Gain Muscle Without Equipment.

The Workout

Garcia brings us this first sample workout and emphasizes that resistance training, compound movements, and isolation exercises are all crucial aspects of muscle growth success. He stresses, "It is imperative that you gradually increase the intensity of the workouts, as it challenges the ongoing muscle growth—increasing weight, repetitions, and difficulty."

1. Squats

man squatting doing bodyweight exercises for stronger legs

To set up for squats, place your feet shoulder-width distance apart. Lengthen your arms out in front of you, place your hands on your hips, or keep your arms at your sides. Bend your knees, press your hips back, and lower into a squat as if you're sitting down on a chair. Descend until your thighs become parallel to the ground or lower. Then, press through your feet in order to return to standing.

RELATED: The Ultimate Muscle-Building Workout Every Man Over 40 Should Try

2. Deadlifts

illustration of dumbbell deadlifts free weight exercises for men to build muscle

For deadlifts, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at the sides of your body using an overhand grip. Keep your abs tight, and press your hips back as you lower the dumbbells down your thighs and toward the floor. Press through the ground in order to raise the weights and come back to the start position.

3. Overhead Presses

man doing dumbbell overhead presses

Dumbbell overhead presses start with you standing tall and planting your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand up at the height of your shoulders with palms facing ahead of you. Activate your abs as you press the dumbbells overhead until your arms are totally extended. Then, using control, bend your elbows to lower the weights back to shoulder height.

4. Pull-ups

buff man doing wide-grip pull-ups

To begin pull-ups, stand under a pull-up bar. Take hold of it with an overhand grip, and place your hands shoulder-width distance apart. Then, bend both elbows as you pull your body up toward the bar; ascend until your chin clears it. Slowly lower back down to the position you started in.

RELATED: 9 Best Exercises for Men To Get Bigger, Stronger Legs

5. Hamstring Curls

Sit back on the hamstring curl machine, making sure your lower back and glutes are pressed flat against the padded seat. Lock your legs in between the seat and the upper pad. Then, bend your knees as you curl your legs down against the resistance. Hold the bottom of the curl for a moment, then use control to bring your legs back up.

6. Lat Pullovers

To begin dumbbell lat pullovers, lie down flat on a workout bench with your feet planted flat on the ground. Hold a dumbbell by its head over your chest with both palms facing up toward the sky. Your arms should be extended. Then, with control, gradually lower the weight back and behind the top of your head. Next, return the dumbbell back to the start position.

"Progressive resistance exercises challenge the muscles further and induce hypertrophy; [which is an] increase in muscle mass. Such exercises are drop sets, rest-pause sets, and eccentric training exercises," Garcia adds. "Hypertrophy-focused training helps muscle growth as they are generally performed with controlled and proper form along with a specific rest period."

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5 Regular Strength Exercises All Men Should Do in Their 50s https://www.eatthis.com/strength-exercises-for-men-in-their-50s/ Thu, 22 Jun 2023 10:00:39 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=738708 The glorious 50s are the decade where wisdom meets strength and experience becomes your secret...

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The glorious 50s are the decade where wisdom meets strength and experience becomes your secret weapon. It's also a period when taking care of your body and staying in tip-top shape becomes more crucial than ever and can determine the quality of those fast-approaching golden years. That's why we chatted with Rose McNulty, CPT, NASM-certified personal trainer and nutrition coach with Garage Gym Reviews, who unveils five essential strength exercises for men in their 50s to add to their fitness arsenal.

"Maintaining total-body strength and stamina should be a priority as you age because strength training can help preserve muscle mass, bone strength, and mobility in the long run," explains McNulty. "These exercises are safe for most individuals and can be built upon with numerous variations. Each of the moves has core strength and stability elements, which is another crucial area of focus to keep you injury-free regardless of age."

Strength training isn't just about bulking up or achieving a magazine-worthy physique; it's about investing in your long-term health and well-being. As you age, you naturally lose muscle mass and bone density (a condition called sarcopenia), which can lead to frailty, decreased mobility, and higher injury risk. However, incorporating regular strength training into your routine can reverse these effects and offer several benefits for healthy aging.

If you're ready to take control of your health and rebuild your strength, keep reading for McNulty's top five strength exercises for men in their 50s. After you're finished, check out The #1 Bodyweight Workout Men Should Do Every Day To Stay Fit.



man doing squats

The mighty squat is a classic compound exercise that can be a game-changer for men in their 50s. Squats engage your lower body muscles, including your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, while also working your core.

To perform a squat, McNulty says, "Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and point your toes slightly outward. Maintain good posture, flat feet, and a strong core as you bend your knees and hinge at the hips to lower yourself. Push through your heels to stand back up once your thighs are about parallel with the floor or slightly below parallel." Aim to do three sets of eight to 12 reps.

RELATED: The #1 Fit-After-50 Workout Every Man Should Be Doing



illustration of barbell deadlift

The deadlift works wonders for men in their 50s by targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including your legs, back, glutes, and core. According to the Sports & Exercise Medicine Institute, this exercise promotes good posture and stability—critical components of healthy aging.

"Stand facing a barbell or dumbbell with your feet hip-width apart for a basic deadlift," instructs McNulty. "If using a barbell, ensure it's centered over your feet and close to your shins. Bend your hips and knees to lower, keeping your back straight as you get down low enough to grab your weights with your palms facing you. Make sure your core is tight as you push through your heels to lift the weight straight up. Keeping the barbell close to your body, stand up while maintaining your grip on the weight. Once you lift the weight and stand perfectly, slowly reverse the motion to lower the weight back down." Perform three sets of eight to 12 reps.


Overhead Presses

dumbbell overhead press exercise

This upper-body exercise is a fantastic addition to your strength routine. "The overhead press trains your body to use proper form while lifting things above your head," says McNulty. "Nailing the form for this exercise reduces the risk of upper-body injury when lifting or grabbing items above your head. This is another move that requires core strength and overall stability."

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding either a barbell or dumbbell at shoulder height with your palms facing forward. Brace your core and maintain good posture as you press the weight straight up and extend your arms fully overhead. Keep your wrists straight as you press, and try not to lean back. Once your arms are straight overhead, lower the weight slowly to the starting position, and repeat. Do three sets of 10 to 12 reps.


Barbell Bench Presses

barbell bench press illustration

The classic barbell bench press has been a staple exercise for years. This exercise targets your chest, shoulders, and triceps, helping you build upper-body strength and definition. "The bench press is a favorite of many men, and it's a great exercise to continue doing to maintain chest strength, overall good posture, and even core stability when done right," McNulty notes.

To begin, lie flat on a bench facing upward with your feet planted on the floor. Grip the barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your palms facing your feet. Unrack the barbell, and hover it straight above your chest with your arms extended. Slowly bend your elbows to lower the barbell toward your chest, keeping your wrists straight and your core tight. Once the barbell lightly touches your chest, push the bar back up to the starting position, and repeat. Your elbows should stay close to your sides as you perform the movement. Aim for three sets of eight to 12 reps.

RELATED: 5 Strength Exercises Men Should Do Every Day To Stay Fit



middle-aged man doing planks, concept of exercises for men in their 50s

The last of these strength exercises for men in their 50s is the plank. It's a foundational core exercise that activates and strengthens your midsection. A strong core is essential for maintaining good posture, preventing lower back pain, and boosting stability.

"Start on all fours in a tabletop position, then step your feet back so your legs and torso form a straight line," says McNulty. "Lower onto your forearms, keeping your hips low and ensuring your body forms a straight line from shoulders to ankles. Actively brace your core to hold this position for at least 30 seconds. If your form falters, try lowering your knees to the floor while maintaining a strong core." Do three sets of 30 to 60-second planks.

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"Padel" Will Be Your New Favorite Way to Exercise This Summer https://www.eatthis.com/benefits-of-playing-padel/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 15:00:35 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=738824 Word on the street is there's a hot game in town—and it will be your...

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Word on the street is there's a hot game in town—and it will be your new favorite way to exercise with friends this summer. If you were eager to hop on the pickleball trend last year, rest assured, you will certainly be excited about another energetic racket sport called "Padel." This popular physical activity brings together the elements of squash and tennis for a fun-filled hobby you'll be obsessed with. We spoke with Ronny Garcia, CPT, Blink Fitness, who shares some of the benefits of playing Padel, along with how to warm up so you're fully prepared to hit the court for a game.

The game of Padel reportedly came to be thanks to Enrique Corcuera, Padel Academy reports. Back in 1969, Corcuera wanted to tailor his Squash court at his Acapulco home to incorporate some aspects of Platform Tennis. This resulted in what Corcuera referred to as "Paddle Corcuera," which is what we know today as Padel.

According to Head, when it comes to Padel, the sport is typically played via doubles on a court that's enclosed by glass walls. When compared to a tennis court, a Padel court is apparently one-third of its size. Padel players use rackets with a holed, elastic surface, along with a "low compression" tennis ball. The ball is allowed to bounce off of any glass wall but can only hit the ground one time before you hit it back to the opposing side. You rack up points when the ball bounces two times on your opponent's side of the court. The scoring system in Padel is quite similar to how points are earned in tennis. One main difference between the two sports is that you use an underarm serve in Padel.

The benefits of Padel.

Padel player taking a shot by the net with racket

When playing Padel, it should come as no surprise that you're bumping up your level of physical activity. Although this sport is a fun time with friends, your body is doing a lot of work! "Playing padel involves running, reflexes, and dynamic movements, so you are getting cardio, agility, endurance, and more when you play," Garcia tells us.

In addition, this racket sport is an excellent hobby to get involved in year-round. (The fun doesn't have to stop during the colder months!) You can play Padel indoors and outdoors, so wherever there's a court, there's a spot waiting for you to get active, no matter the season.

As if Padel couldn't sound more appealing, it's a stellar way to make plans with friends and socialize with other like-minded individuals. "Just like tennis and squash, Padel is played with four people total, so it is also a nice way to meet new people and have a way to get exercise while socializing," Garcia says.

Last but not least, playing a game of Padel will give your hand-eye coordination a solid boost. You need to be quick and agile when hitting the ball, which calls for accurate hand-eye coordination.

How to warm up for Padel.

If we've convinced you to round up your friends and start playing this racket sport, don't forget about warming up before hitting the court. First off, start with some stretching. "It's important to stretch your whole body, as Padel engages most muscles in the body throughout the course of a game," Garcia explains. He recommends doing two to three lower-body stretches, along with two to three upper-body stretches.

Make sure your joints are sufficiently warmed up as well. Exercises like wrist circles, hip rotations, and shoulder rotations can be beneficial, as these muscle groups are used when playing Padel. And lastly, add a bit of cardio to your warm-up routine. Brisk walking, light jogging, and cycling can boost blood flow to help ensure you're all prepped for the game and your muscles are activated.

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6 Top-Recommended Exercises for a Lean Body After 40 https://www.eatthis.com/exercises-for-lean-body-after-40/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 11:00:48 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=738773 Getting into tip-top shape can feel like one big uphill battle. As you age, you...

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Getting into tip-top shape can feel like one big uphill battle. As you age, you might not be as quick as you used to or able to lift as heavy. You may also become frustrated when you're doing everything right but not seeing the results you're working so hard for. Don't give up, because performing daily exercise is one of the best gifts you can give your body, and it becomes more crucial than ever before in order to maintain your independence and stay in good health. We spoke with Sanjeev Joseph, PT, MSPT in advanced orthopedics, LSVT certified, and owner of seven FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers' locations, who breaks down six of the best exercises for a lean body after 40. (Because slimming down and toning up is possible after you hit 40!)

"Your 40s are kind of a sweet spot for people to get their physical status in order," Joseph says. "It's still an age where change can be made with moderate or higher levels of exercise, and early enough where degenerative changes can be mitigated and delayed indefinitely. If you wait any longer, reversing or preventing chronic conditions can become exponentially more difficult."

Without further delay, Joseph shares the exercises he recommends his patients ace and perform three to five times a week. Keep reading to learn about the six best exercises for a lean body after 40. Getting into great shape is right around the corner! And when you're finished, be sure to read the 5 Strength Exercises for Women To Get Firm & Lean in Their 40s.

1. Squats

woman bodyweight squats

Joseph refers to squats as "the undisputed 'king' of all exercises." Learning how to ace squats can help you address many issues pertaining to your knees, ankles, hips, and spine. "If you could do only one exercise to stay healthy, this is it," Joseph adds. "I encourage my patients to do three sets of 10, going as deep as their body allows, and without pain. As you continue to practice, you'll notice your range of motion will increase."

To set up for squats, plant your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms out in front of you, keep them at your sides, or place your hands on your hips. Next, bend your knees, and press your hips back as if you're sitting back on a chair. Lower into a squat until your thighs form a parallel position with the ground or lower. Then, press through your feet to rise back to standing.

2. Core Strengthening and Stabilizing Exercises

"There are many types to choose from, but the basis is that the core must be targeted, and it must also NOT result in back pain," Joseph tells us.

To set up, lie down flat on your back with your hips and knees bent. Your feet should be flat on the ground. "Then, contract the muscle below your belly button (aka your core)," Joseph instructs. "While keeping it tight, breathe in and out five times through your nose." Complete three sets of 10 reps in total. When you're ready to take things to the next level, you can incorporate weights or raise your knees.

3. Pushups

woman doing pushups on workout mat, white background

The pushup is another "all-purpose exercise," as Joseph dubs it, that works your entire body to help you get lean. You can modify pushups by doing wall pushups or knee pushups on the floor. Make sure your core remains engaged during the entirety of the exercise.

Start in a high plank with your hands under your shoulders and your body forming a straight line from your head to your feet. You should rise up to the balls of your feet. Then, bend your elbows to lower your chest toward the ground. Press yourself back up to a high plank without allowing your lower back to cave in. Perform three sets of 10 reps.

RELATED: 8 No-Equipment Exercises To Get a Slim & Slender Body Fast

4. Pull-ups

mature man doing pull-ups at the gym

Next up on Joseph's top exercises for a lean body after 40 is the pull-up. "This exercise is a little more advanced but can be modified using gymnastic rings or TRX suspension for additional support. Keep your core activated for the best results," Joseph says.

To set up for pull-ups, stand below the pull-up bar, and reach up to grab onto it using an overhand grip. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows as you pull your chest up toward the bar until your chin clears it. Then, gradually lower your body back to the start position. Complete three sets of 10 reps.

5. Heel or Calf Raises

illustration of calf raises

"This exercise is most effective if done at the edge of a step with only your toes on the step and your heels hanging off the edge," Joseph tells us. "Drop your heels down as far as possible, then lift back up on your tip toes." The slower you go with this exercise, the greater amount of work your calves will do. Joseph recommends performing three sets of 15 to 30 reps or going strong until your calf muscles feel too tired to continue.

RELATED: 6 Bodyweight Exercises That'll Transform You From Flabby To Fit After 30

6. Cardio or Plyometrics

fit middle-aged woman on bike, demonstrating signs you're in good shape at 50

Last but not least, it's time for cardio or plyometrics. Joseph recommends going light at first then advancing with intensity. Start with activities like riding a bike, walking, or rowing. "As you progress on your wellness journey, these activities will become easier, so begin to challenge yourself with higher levels by trying different types of cardio and see what your body likes best," he says. "Plyometrics are the next level of basic cardio; think of exercises that involve quick movements, agility, sharp turns, jumping, etc. Burpees are an excellent form of plyometrics, but much more advanced."

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7 Fitness Habits Every Man Should Follow in His 40s https://www.eatthis.com/fitness-habits-for-men-in-their-40s/ Tue, 20 Jun 2023 14:30:46 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=738494 Midlife happens between 40 and 60 years of age. To make this time period an...

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Midlife happens between 40 and 60 years of age. To make this time period an amazing chapter—and to avoid suffering the dreaded "midlife crisis"—it's really important to continue to lead a healthy, fit lifestyle. That means eating well, taking care of your mental health, and getting in regular exercise (with an emphasis on strength training). Maintaining a solid routine will help you remain independent well into your next stage of life. To get you moving in the right direction, we spoke with Zac Armstrong, NASM-CPT and master trainer for YogaSix, who shares with us seven of the most productive fitness habits for men in their 40s to follow.

There are many medical conditions that can occur after 40 if you don't take the right steps to boost your overall health and fitness. Some of them include high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, chronic pain like arthritis, high cholesterol, heart issues, osteoporosis, depression, and so much more. It's necessary to have a well-rounded, fit lifestyle to avoid problems in the future.

Remember that it's never too late to get started! The important thing is to get the right amount of movement. It's also wise to check in with your healthcare professional before starting any new aggressive exercise routine.

Now, let's see what Armstrong has to say about the seven fitness habits for men to follow in their 40s. And when you're finished, be sure to check out the 5 Floor Exercises Men Should Do Every Day in Their 40s.


Establish fitness goals for yourself.

fitness goals

In order to keep the motivation going strong and crush any plateaus in his 40s, Armstrong explains he establishes fitness goals for himself. "This year I have set out to do my first Ironman," he explains. "This has helped me adjust my fitness level and get outside of my comfort zone. It makes training much easier knowing there will be a reward at the end. This kind of accomplishment after a year of training will yield great benefits for my mental health and self-esteem."

RELATED: 5 Exercises Men Should Do Every Day to Stay Fit


Spend more time outdoors.

man hiking

Immersing yourself in nature works wonders for the mind, body, and soul. Especially if you work from home, your daily routine can feel pretty mundane and isolating. Some days, you may even be too busy to leave the house or carve out a 15-minute break to go outside for fresh air. This can take a major toll on your mental well-being.

"I break up my work by taking a few short walks outside with my dogs," Armstrong says. "This helps clear my head, gives me time to think of new ideas to be more productive, and energizes me when I start to feel sluggish."


Drink more H2O.

middle-aged man drinking water before workout

Getting your fill of H2O comes with a host of benefits. It provides lubrication to your joints, transports oxygen throughout your body, enhances the health of your skin, manages your body temp, and even helps you lose weight, Medical News Today explains.

"Before I ingest caffeine every morning I drink at least 16 oz of water," Armstrong tells us. "This immediately helps my brain wake up. Also as an active person and heated yoga teacher, I tend to always be sweating so incorporating electrolytes has been a game-changer in how I feel overall, recovering from intense workouts, and reducing my brain fog."

RELATED: 7 Best Exercises for Men to Gain Strength Without Equipment


Stick to a consistent bedtime and wake-up schedule.

man waking up

Next up on this list of fitness habits for men in their 40s is to stick to a consistent sleep schedule. Armstrong himself practices what he preaches, telling us, "I go to bed at 8:30 each night and wake up at 4:45 each morning. This ensures I can obtain a proper eight hours of sleep. I know it may not sound sexy, but it has benefitted me the most out of all of my habits. By giving myself these hard guidelines, I feel I can schedule my day more efficiently, accomplish more, and always feel rested and ready to go."

Plus, during those extra hours Armstrong has in the AM "before the rest of the world wakes up," he's able to cross items off his to-do list, which gives him back some of his time later on in the day.


Preserve your range of motion.

middle-aged man stretching

Maintaining your range of motion helps you lead a more independent life as you grow older. "The last thing I want is to be an 80-year-old vegetable," Armstrong says. "Having a healthy range of motion not only in my yoga practice but in all things has helped preserve me as I age. I can get on the floor and play with my kids with ease, maintain proper form when lifting weights, enjoy activities outside more (running, hiking, climbing, cycling, etc), and recover from workouts."

RELATED: The #1 Bodyweight Workout Men Should Do Every Day To Stay Fit


Surround yourself with individuals who challenge you.

senior fitness group running outdoors

Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who lift you up and challenge you to be the best version of yourself in and out of the gym is incredibly rewarding. Armstrong experiences this through being a yoga teacher. He shares, "This really challenges me to continue my personal growth.  The community aspect also keeps me accountable to maintain consistency since I look forward to going to class to socialize with the community. Less time on the couch and more time being active with positive people."



man meditating in bed

Last but not least, carve out some time in your hectic schedule to meditate. When your mind is running or you're feeling stressed, practicing meditation—whether moving or sitting down—can truly work wonders.

"I have the energy of a Jack Russel so the idea of sitting still for even five minutes is very challenging for me," Armstrong shares. "I tend to do moving meditations. I use my time walking or swimming to not have headphones and focus on my breath. I am able to tune into the rhythm of my breath. This helps me regulate my thoughts, manage my nervous system response, and refocus my energy on what is important."

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5 Best Belly Fat Exercises You Can Do in Just 10 Minutes a Day https://www.eatthis.com/10-minute-belly-fat-exercises/ Tue, 20 Jun 2023 10:00:12 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=738213 Ready to tackle that excess fat around your midsection and achieve a slim waistline? If...

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Ready to tackle that excess fat around your midsection and achieve a slim waistline? If so, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll share the five best belly fat exercises you can incorporate into your daily routine. All you need is 10 minutes and a small area to start shedding those extra inches and feeling more confident in your own skin.

Losing belly fat not only boosts your confidence, but it's also good for your overall health. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the more fat you carry around your waist and hips, the higher your risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Your risk spikes further if your waist size is larger than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men.

Fortunately, the following exercises (courtesy of Rachel MacPherson, CPT, an ACE-certified personal trainer with Garage Gym Reviews) are specifically designed to target your abdominal area, helping tone and strengthen the muscles while melting unwanted and unhealthy fat.

"Belly fat will come off your body when you lose overall body fat from a calorie deficit. You can create a calorie deficit by reducing your eating and adding exercise. All exercise helps burn calories, and no specific exercises will burn belly fat better than any other if the total calorie burn is equal. This means 200 calories burned doing crunches will not help you lose any more belly fat than 200 calories spent running," explains MacPherson.

If you can carve out just 10 minutes from your busy schedule and dedicate them to these highly effective belly fat exercises, you'll shrink your stomach in no time. Read on to find out how to do the exercises, then take a peek at The No-Gym Workout To Melt Stubborn Belly Fat.



woman doing squats on balcony

According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), this classic compound movement works multiple muscle groups. These include the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves to strengthen your lower body and help shed belly fat.

Here's how to do the exercise: "Use a barbell placed along your shoulders and traps or hold dumbbells or kettlebells by your sides," says MacPherson. "When you lower, keep your chest up, maintain a tripod foot with the little toe, big toe, heel gripping the floor, and your back straight. Lower as deep as you can without allowing your spine to flex. Ensure you rise leading with your collar bones, not your hips."

Perform two or three sets using a weight that challenges you when doing eight to 12 reps. Stop the set when you feel like you have three more reps left in the tank.

RELATED: The 5-Minute Strength Workout To Lose Belly Fat & Gain Abs


Barbell Deadlifts

woman doing barbell deadlifts

Barbell deadlifts are another traditional compound exercise that targets your entire body, including your abdominal muscles. They will help you build strength and burn calories and also help sculpt a flatter, more toned tummy.

"Engage your lats—pull your shoulder blades back and down as if you are trying to slide them into your back pockets," explains MacPherson. "Then, screw your feet into the floor and rotate your femur (thigh) bones outward in your hip sockets (externally rotate). The outsides of your glutes and thighs should feel activated. This position requires grippy shoes that let you place pressure on their outsides, so a sturdy material is best. Push your hips back and start to lift the bar first. Don't lift your hips until you're lifting the bar, then keep your hips close to the bar, raising it with your chest elevated and the bar close to your body. Reverse slowly, lowering the bar close to your body."

Do two or three sets of eight to 12 reps. Stop the exercise when you can only do three more reps safely before reaching failure.


Ab Rollouts

ab wheel rollout

"Ab rollouts engage the entire core and tighten the deep abdominal muscles for a tighter look," states MacPherson. "They're also quite difficult and use the whole body more than other ab exercises, so they'll burn more calories."

Begin kneeling, place your hands on an ab wheel or stability ball, and roll forward, extending your body as far as possible without losing control. Engage your abs as you roll back to the starting position. Aim to do three sets of five to 10 reps.

RELATED: 5 Dumbbell Exercises for Women To Melt Belly Fat


Suitcase Carry

man doing close-up suitcase carry standing ab exercises on track

"The suitcase carry is an excellent abdominal-strengthening exercise," says MacPherson. "It's a unilateral (one-sided) loaded carry, and so is a functional movement that helps improve daily activity. This exercise helps build spinal stiffness and engages the deep core muscles while burning calories from walking with a heavy load."

Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in your right hand with an overhand grip, and place your feet roughly shoulder-width apart. Walk forward with steady, deliberate steps while contracting your core and keeping your hips level, resisting the pull to the weighted side. Walk for a set distance, then turn around and walk back to the start. Once you reach the start line, switch arms to repeat on the other side. Do this two or three times per side, and watch your waistline shrink.


Kettlebell Around-the-Worlds

kettlebell around the world standing ab exercises

Kettlebell around-the-worlds are a dynamic exercise that engages your entire core. Since this is an anti-rotational exercise, you're forced to brace your core to resist the rotational force of the kettlebell pulling you side-to-side.

"Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell in front of your lower abdomen in both hands with an overhand grip. Brace your core, and pass the kettlebell around your body, switching between hands in the front and the back of your body," instructs MacPherson. Perform two or three sets of 15 to 20 passes.

The post 5 Best Belly Fat Exercises You Can Do in Just 10 Minutes a Day appeared first on Eat This Not That.
