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7 Amazing Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

It can do wonders for your body!

There are few things as calming and restorative as a warm mug filled with green tea. Imagine sitting down with a toasty cup, under a blanket in your favorite sweater. It sounds nice, right? Well, not only is drinking green tea great for relaxing, but the healthy beverage can also have positive impacts on your body.

Amy Gholston, a registered dietitian and the lead clinical oncology dietitian at the Cancer Treatment Center of America's Comprehensive Care and Research Center, says that tea is one of the more healthy beverage options to make.

"Next time you are debating between a home-brewed green tea and a hot apple cider, opt for the green tea," Gholston says.

Here are the benefits you can reap from drinking green tea, and for more healthy tips, check out our list of 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time.


It helps promote weight loss.

green tea being poured into cup

It seems that everyone is looking for a magic trick to help kickstart weight loss goals—especially as we get into the winter months. But one helpful way to promote healthy weight loss is as simple as drinking green tea.

"Green tea is an excellent alternative to sugary beverages which are linked with weight gain and obesity," Gholston says.

There are a lot of hidden calories in the many juices and soda brands, so a quick way to have a healthier diet is to switch up beverage habits. Rather than slurping down diet sodas, or other weight loss drinks, switching over to a regular mug of green tea can aid in the weight loss process, which can be attributed to the bioactive compounds found in the steeped substance.

Here's What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Green Tea.


It lowers bad cholesterol levels.

Brew green tea

Put aside the Cheerios, they're no longer the only thing in your diet that can improve cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance found in the body's cells, and having high cholesterol is not beneficial for overall health. In fact, high cholesterol can lead to an increased risk of heart disease. But if you're a green tea drinker, have no fear because according to a study in Nutrition Journal, green tea lowers two types of cholesterols—low-density lipoprotein cholesterol as well as total cholesterol.

Along with green tea, here are 17 Foods That Lower Cholesterol.


Your brain may function better.

Green tea in mugs

Of course, tea can be calming and soothing, but can it have a deeper impact on the brain than just making us feel good? According to a study from the University of Basel in Switzerland, green tea consumption impacts both cognition and brain function. These results connected drinking green tea to improved memory because of the influence of caffeine and l-theanine, an amino acid found in tea leaves that promotes relaxation.

Additionally, the survey also said green tea may also give your brain a helping hand by reducing anxiety—so next time you're up all night worrying, try popping on the kettle. And try these 21 Best Foods to Eat When You're Stressed, According to Dietitians.


It will improve your breath.

Green tea

There are all kinds of hacks to quickly fixing a bad breath problem—mints, gum, and of course, brushing your teeth (and scrubbing your tongue). But there might be yet another fix to have a fresh-smelling mouth—green tea. In a study done by Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, subjects who used green tea as a form of mouthwash saw improved conditions of halitosis—a symptom in which a bad odor from the breath is present.

Next time you're out of mouthwash in the cupboard, why not try green tea? It will certainly have a great flavor that will make a lasting impact in your mouth.


It may prevent cancer.

Green tea

Almost everyone knows someone who has been lost to cancer. The disease, through its various forms, kills an estimated 600 thousand people a year in the United States alone. Many people try as hard as they might to prevent cancer by doing things like avoiding smoking, not overexposing themselves to sunlight, and steering clear of any harmful radiation. While it's common to avoid certain activities and behaviors to try and prevent cancer, there are others that should be picked up like drinking green tea.

"Green tea is made of several polyphenols, which includes the most powerful catechin epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)," Gholston says. "Much of the research related to green tea and anti-cancer benefits has been conducted in laboratory settings but indicates that these polyphenols may help by inhibiting tumor cell proliferation, including apoptosis, inhibiting angiogenesis along with tumor cell invasion."

RELATED: Learn how to harness the power of tea to lose weight.


Say goodbye to skin issues.

green tea

Skin, the largest organ on the human body is also home to a large multitude of issues that can arise for various people. There's a whole industry centered around correcting skin issues, with shows like "Dr. Pimple Popper" raking in millions of viewers. But for those who suffer from psoriasis, before you book an appointment with a dermatologist try drinking some green tea. In a study done by the Medical College of Georgia, green tea consumption is linked to a reduction in psoriasis lesions.


It can lead to a longer life.

Green tea smoothie

Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life, and according to a study published by the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, one of the ways to help that goal come true is by consuming green tea. More than 100 thousand healthy people participated in the study and were classified into two groups—habitual green tea drinkers and non-tea drinkers. On average, those who regularly had a cup of tea lived longer and healthier lives than those who chose otherwise.

Gholston agrees that tea is beneficial for health, and said she recommends incorporating green tea into a plant-based diet for "overall health and wellness." So it's probably a good idea to start drinking green tea on the regular, as well as these The 13 Drinks To Sip On For A Longer Life, Say Doctors.

Erin Yarnall
Erin Yarnall is a freelance reporter from the Chicago area. Read more about Erin
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